Making the difference in your differential 

The differential is what contributes to a smooth and stable ride, allowing the wheels to turn at different speeds while maintaining control.  It’s also responsible for transferring engine power to the wheels.

Regardless if your vehicle has four-wheel drive, all-wheel drive, front wheel drive, or rear wheel drive, it has a differential that experiences heavy wear and tear.  Tough terrain, like dirt roads, unpaved or gravel roads, and other extreme driving conditions can have an even heavier impact on the life of your vehicle’s differential.



Differential Repair Services

Proper maintenance such as a differential fluid change can positively impact the safety and reliability of your vehicle.  Any abnormal noise can be a sign of trouble, such as insufficient lubricant or worn gears and bearings.

Differential services include:

  • Differential Fluid Change

  • Differential Repair

  • Differential Replacement